Tuesday 4 November 2008


USA (MNN) -- Tomorrow, Americans will choose their next president and legislative leaders. The National Religious Broadcasters Association says the winner will have an impact on religious freedom. NRB's Craig Parshall says the democrats support re-instituting the Fairness Doctrine. "We think it would be a real travesty to Christian broadcasters because it would convert Christian broadcasting into anti-Christian broadcasting. Christian broadcasters would be required to air the opinions of atheists, members of major world religions, pro-abortion proponents, pro-homosexual activists and so forth." Democratic Presidential candidate Barak Obama supports hate crimes legislation, which Parshall says would make it illegal to criticize other religions and social behaviors like homosexuality. "In every country in the world where hate crimes have been instituted, it has migrated very quickly into hate speech, suppression of speech, and the targets have usually been Christian evangelists and Christian preachers."

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