Monday 15 June 2009


Nicaragua ― One night Chema Lopez, a JESUS Film team leader, was sitting outside his home in Nicaragua with his daughter. A young man approached them, introducing himself as Gabriel Antonio Madrigal. Gabriel explained that he was a Christian because of a presentation Chema did at his school seven years ago when he was in fifth grade.
Gabriel and his class watched "Jesus for Children," and then Gabriel prayed to become a Christian. When he got home, he told his parents that he had seen the presentation, that he'd become a Christian, and brought home the small book that Chema had given each student.
Gabriel was the oldest of four boys. His father drank very heavily and abused his mother very badly. After hearing of Gabriel's commitment to Christ, his father did not change. However, a month later, in 2002, Gabriel found his father in their living room reading the small book and crying. He became a Christian that day, and life changed drastically for Gabriel's family. The drinking and abuse stopped, and his father began conversing with and giving advice to his sons. Today, every member of his family is a believer.
JESUS Film has been considered one of the most successful evangelistic projects ever. However, they believe that the true success isn't the number of people who have already seen it, but the number who will follow Christ after seeing it. They seek to share the Gospel with people in their heart language via media.
Praise God for the courage of young Gabriel and the change that he initiated in his family. Praise God for His perfect timing and the impact that JESUS Film Project is having around the world.